Life, Motivation,

What Exactly Do Children Want?

In the mornings when I’m getting ready for work, I have to rush my boys to get themselves sorted for school; we MUST leave together so I don’t entertain laziness in such early morning. At times I would hear soft grumblings but my ears tend to be on point too much; they hear everything. Sometimes I wish they could just allow the boys to give vent to their little anger without me knowing but guess they have to do what they are made to do. Once I heard one of them saying, “Mom, you don’t have to shout like that!” but my response was, “Do what you need to do, and then I won’t have to shout”. Honestly, in order for them to know how serious I am, at times, I have to turn up the volume on my voice. If they are in close proximity, I would give them the not-so-nice look too.

One morning, due to circumstances that I could barely control, I was unable to go to work. Additionally, I didn’t have the energy or I just didn’t bother to rush them. I allowed them to work at their own pace and to do things however they were pleased. That morning I’m sure my neighbors slept well because not a sound came from me. I took my own time to make breakfast and when I was finished, I invited them to have theirs. They ate and if they wanted, could have chewed each bite they took 32 times or even more. As a matter of fact, they could have taken the entire day to eat the one little sandwich for all I know; I was just in a half-dead mood. I watched them eat timely and all I thought of was, “Oh bless the Lord I can provide belly-full for my children”. At one point I heard the younger one saying something that I thought wasn’t pleasing but it wasn’t anything like that. He told his brother they were going to be late for school because I didn’t rush them. Now, I thought I was doing them a world of good by just being this sweet mom who didn’t feel like rushing her dearest, but he had no time for that. Instead, he thought I was selfish: if I were going to work I would have rushed them but seeing I wasn’t, I didn’t care to rush them any at all.

What is it then that children want? If you rush they argue and if you don’t they still argue. Based on experience, I believe children are expecting adults to discipline/guide them, despite how stubborn or disobedient they can be at times.

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