Fun Stories, Life,

Too Much Pressure Can Be Dangerous

man, board, ocean

The Thursday afternoon was beautiful and warm and what contributed most to its beauty, was the fact that I received my salary and was able to pick up enough groceries at the supermarket. As a matter of fact, even if the rain had fallen heavily that afternoon, I would have still seen the beauty. I had a job so that was enough to feel sunshine during the rain. I, therefore, had to be thankful.

As soon as I reached home from the supermarket and was getting ready to relax, my younger son gave me a job to get rid of a small bat from the bathroom. While trying to get rid of it, I realized it was indeed a job because it was determined to stay. There seemed to have been something in the bathroom that captured its attention.

Surprisingly though, I wasn’t as bold as my son thought. I was probably more afraid than he was. I had only pretended to be fearless and did what was expected of me; I didn’t want my baby to lose faith in me. It was difficult to eliminate the bat as it kept flying around a bulb. I, therefore, had to exercise caution but which was to no avail; the bulb broke during the process.

The following day, I decided to replace the broken bulb but couldn’t reach the socket from the ground. In order for me to reach it, I had to place one of my legs on the face basin and the other on the shower-stand; my legs were not far apart so I didn’t look acrobatic or I wasn’t in any way trying to do a split. In other words, the face basin was close to the shower-stand.

While trying to get a job well done, I heard a creeky sound but by the time I could listen more attentively, I was already on the ground with the face basin. The sound was an indication that the face basin and I were getting ready for a race to the ground. The distance was about a meter and the race was so fast that we finished within a fraction of a second. We both finished the race at the same time but unfortunately, there were casualties.

The face basin broke up in many parts and all the members of my body were shaken up, except for foot that suffered a little bit more; it received a little scrape. I must also admit that my heart started beating faster but it wasn’t fast enough to carry out an attack on me.

It was a frightening experience. I knew I had to replace the face basin but most importantly, I didn’t have to replace any of my body parts. In all honesty, I had to give thanks as a piece of the face basin could have gone through my leg or even worse.
What hurts me most though, was the fact that while I was reminiscing, inner self told me I was stupid and should have used a chair. I agreed with her but wanted to say, “Where were you when I needed such a smart idea?” I didn’t have time to waste on her but kept on being thankful for my blessing.

I should have also realized that I was no longer as light as any feather because food had done its worse to me. I allowed food to put extra fat under my skin and of such, my dear body applied too much pressure to the old face basin.

The pressure made the face basin detach itself from the wall,
Which in turn caused that great fall,
The fall that had me traumatized but not so much where I wanted to bawl.
All I know is that next time I would never try that again, not at all.

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