
Fasting And Prayer Can Move The God Of Mercy

praying hands, jesus, cross

Mercy is described as: “showing compassion or forgiveness toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm”. With that said, it should be understood then what the God of Mercy is capable of doing, instead of sending His wrath He shows mercy. But does He always show mercy? Many may know the answer to this question but let’s look at God who is our Father in heaven, our spiritual parent. Undoubtedly, parents know what it means to show mercy as well as how to vent their anger. They believe in the fact that children should be trained in the right way, so when they get older they will not exercise deviant behaviors.

When children are obedient, it puts a smile on parents’ faces as it gives them a sense of satisfaction. However, when they are repeatedly disobedient,  it digs out excess anger from inside their parents’ belly bottom, who are then ready to punish them without even deliberating sometimes.

There are different measures that parents employ to deal with disobedient children. However, sometimes when these children realize what their parents are capable of doing, they may want to humble themselves and just start doing things accordingly, or as anticipated. This transformation usually puts a smile on parents’ faces, who would in turn forgive and no longer want to exercise their wrath on them. As a parent,  it’s a joy when my kids turn from their disobedient selves to one of obedience. Sometimes I reward them with little things that children enjoy, without them even knowing it’s due to their desirable behaviors. 

God is our Father, our Parent, who loves us with unconditional love. However, whenever we disobey Him, He’s never pleased about it. When he warns us it’s for us to be transformed and not to remain conformed to things of this world. When we grant Him his desires, then undoubtedly, He’ll pour out His blessings and not wrath. He too feels good when we obey Him, just like our earthly parents. For example, he was pleased about the behavior of King Ahab and the people of Nineveh, after they were warned. He was so pleased that He didn’t bother to pour out His wrath on them. What a merciful God He is!

Now, what did they do to cause such change? Well, it was an easy task, they fasted and prayed. According to 1 Kings 21: 27-28, Elijah spoke to King Ahab about facing God’s wrath if he didn’t change, but he took heed. He humbled himself, fasted, prayed, and it made God change His mind. Likewise the people of Nineveh, Jonah obeyed God the second time and went down to Nineveh to warn the people.

Jonah was obedient to God the second time, as being in a whale’s belly wasn’t an ideal experience. Imagine the odor and how dark it was! Also, he knew he couldn’t hide from a powerful, omniscient God.  Anyway, after warning the people, they humbled themselves, fasted and prayed, and the God of Mercy was moved by their actions. He didn’t bother to pour out His judgment on them.

Rest assured, that the same God of yesterday is the same never-changing God of today. What does this mean? According to 2 Chronicles 7:14 from the Book of Truth, the Holy Bible: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land”.

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