Once in the wee hours of the morning, while trying to rest my drained body, I was disturbed by the sound of loneliness – loneliness just wouldn’t leave me alone. I tried hard to eliminate it but guess my best wasn’t good enough. It was really a challenge having to deal with it as I couldn’t concentrate, neither could I go back to my beauty sleep; the words kept ringing in my ears like a bell. Sometimes loneliness can cause its victims to think about or even do negative things and that’s the exact thing I was experiencing. I thought of doing something unfavorable. That is, I had the intention of asking my neighbor, who was single, to satisfy my desire by turning down his loud music about loneliness. He turned it up so loudly that I had a feeling he was rebelling against his lonely life. The words of the song: ‘Lonely Won’t Leave Me Alone’, was what I heard ringing in my ears. It would seem he had it on auto-repeat for a while then after thinking he was any great selector, played the Celine Dionne’s song: ‘All By Myself’. I then thought, “How does he expect loneliness to flee when he’s all by himself!”
In life, we should sometimes try to embrace certain experiences and also, be careful of what we wish for; we could end up facing worse. For instance, I wished that my neighbor would hurry and get rid of his lonely life but instead, the worse happened. He did find a way to bury loneliness but to be honest, I would have preferred if he were still playing those songs. He later became a bedroom bully and it was so much that one day, he and the individuals being bullied almost dismantled the wall. It was a lucky thing the landlord used wisdom to build the house with concrete and steel, strong enough for the bedroom bullies. You know, it’s natural for humans to answer nature’s call by having their sexual desires satisfied, but they just have to be careful of not hurting themselves in the process. They will then live to enjoy themselves again, or be around for a long time to answer subsequent calls.
This was what happened:
Each time he answered nature’s call it seemed it was from his bedroom to his hall,
With ‘business partner’s ranging from fat to slim and from big to small.
One morning my son asked who was fighting as he heard a lady bawl,
But it was a sensual fight where they were responding to nature’s call,
A fight that made them almost tear down the dilapidated wall.
One songwriter thinks that the wickedest time when nature calls,
Is not during the hot sun but when the rain starts to fall.
However, that neighbor would beg to differ since he had no specific time at all.
I tried to mine my own business but my ears couldn’t resist hearing the loudness when the ladies bawled,
So much that I wondered if after the transaction they had any energy left to even crawl.
Just so you know, with such vulgarity I wasn’t the least jealous at all.
Because that bedroom bully who wanted to tear down the wall,
Behaved as if nature was going on a permanent vacation and wouldn’t be around for him to call.