When you make up your mind to honor the one and only supreme God,
Then there may be ‘potholes and rocks’ on the road you have to trod;
Those you used to have a great time with may now see you as weird or odd,
Because your relationship with them is no longer like ‘two peas in a pod’.
Then there may be ‘potholes and rocks’ on the road you have to trod;
Those you used to have a great time with may now see you as weird or odd,
Because your relationship with them is no longer like ‘two peas in a pod’.
However, it’s better to lose them and their so-called benefits than to lose your soul, period.
If anyone thinks the number of friends contributes in any way to Glory then I tell you, that’s sad.
As a matter of fact, any Christian with such mindset should taste of the correction rod;
It’s not the number of friends that will save your soul but living a life pleasing to God.