One day and for the first time in my life, I felt like I was highly favored with showers of blessing.
The way I felt was awesome, it was just too pleasing.
My love, the one I want to get old with, said something that was totally mind-blowing.
It was so much that my heart started to beat differently from the way it was supposed to be beating.
My sugar plum-plum proposed to me, then told me that to a beautiful country we would be traveling.
Plus, we were not just going to tour the country only, but to also have our dream wedding.
On top of that, he said he had a big house on a hill in Jamaica that he was secretly building.
My oh my! Before he was through talking it was like my ears could hear the church bell ringing,
And then at the house, I saw myself asking the boys to get off the Patio with their playing.
Hearing such great news made me so happy that I hugged him and started crying.
Furthermore, I told him how wonderful he was, kind and loving.
I even wanted to share the news with my boys but they were busy sleeping.
I thought of calling my bestie but my phone battery needed charging,
And I had left my charger at work because of an important meeting.
I was so elated that I thought of sharing it as testimony at a church service the following morning
Then on my knees, at the altar, I would acknowledge my God for his blessing.
Anyway, Salvation they say is the only good thing that is lasting,
So any other will most definitely have an ending.
What I thought was a reality that night, turned out to be disappointing
Because a few minutes after the excitement, I realized I was only dreaming.
A dream that made me feel loved, and one I wished I could have gone back to the following evening.