Once I saw a snake and it was so big that I felt as if I were in the Anaconda movie. Strangely though, we stared at each other for seconds then my instinct made me take action within the minute, as I thought it was up to something. So as to prevent a possible attack, I quickly grabbed a cutlass, and with the help of my brother, we chopped it to pieces that scattered all over the place.
It was a fat snake, so we thought its corpse would have been ideal for our stomach when it’s cooked. We then took the skin off those parts that could be found, as we were determined to have a feast – fried snake meat in tomato sauce with yam, and dumpling. While preparing our meal, we saw the head jumping towards us as well as a part of its tail, a head that was extraordinarily big and strange looking. We have never seen a snake like that before. Anyway, by the time we attempted to grab those two parts, they jumped in the house and could not be found.
My brother and I were determined to cook all the snakes body members, so we continued searching but it was to no avail. We were a bit scared and worried when we didn’t find those two parts. However, we didn’t experience those for too long because shortly after, I woke up to a bright and beautiful morning. It was only a dream!
You see, the day before the dream I had a shut-in moment with my God. The dream then was a confirmation that the enemy was defeated. I knew so because Deuteronomy 28: 7 says, “The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.” My enemies were indeed defeated. The different parts that the one snake was chopped into then scattered about the place, represent the part of the verse that talks about the enemy coming in one direction but fleeing in many directions.
It was also evident that some enemies didn’t want to flee in the dream, but though they lingered they were too weak to strike. They eventually went into hiding. The head and a piece of the snake tail that couldn’t be found, represent those enemies. Therefore, they can only stay afar off in pain and watch me glorify God. They cannot harm me.
Whenever we have that special moment with God and believe in what we ask for, it will be granted. The spirit in me is indeed super powerful, greater than the one that is up and about in the world.
Shelly Ann Jacktoo Dillon
July 25, 2022Great read Audrea.
July 6, 2023Thank you!