Once my son told me he had a dream about a girl And from the moment I heard ‘girl’ my eyes began to swirl; I knew right there and then that my son was getting ready for the ‘worl’, Though his pocket wasn’t getting ready to buy any diamond or pearl. . Anyway, when I asked for details he told me it’s private and he stored it in his ‘vault’ And instantly I felt frozen as if all parts of my skeletal system came to a halt; I was in shock and if the breath had left my body, it would have been his fault It would have been a clear cut ’emotional assault’.
I was curious but he had no intention of ‘opening’ the vault for his dear mom to see. Poor me!!! If I weren’t strong enough I’m certain that on self I would pee Or worse, my nerves would cause some shaking in my knee.
Was it fair for him to keep away such dream from his mother, When for the nine months I carried him I didn’t say he was a bother? When he was in my womb I gave him: carrot juice, fruits, milk, and others. I tell you, he was treated like a prince, though once in a while I gave him a little soda.
Overall, he was well taken care of because after nine months he wanted to stay longer; He was so comfortable that one day a nurse had to call me down by the hospital to induce labor. It was a painful experience and I had promised not to have another,
But being such a sweet baby boy, the following year I gave him a gift, his brother.
With that said, don’t you think he should have shared the dream with his dear mother.