Life, Motivation,

Practice Friends’ Distancing And Don’t Wear Out Your Welcome!

You were made to meet, greet, and treat people ‘sweet’. This means you are to socialize and make friends; no one they say is totally self-sufficient, try as they may. However, it does not mean people must always be in your presence. The only presence you are to always have with you is the presence of God, the omnipresent One. So then, having friends doesn’t mean you need to see them every day; they need ‘breathing space’ or time with families and even with themselves. They do not wish to see you 24-7. You may mean well but they may also mean well when they frown at your too-many visits. Sometimes your friends want to relax and elevate their legs but due to your constant visits, they deprive their dear bodies of such well-deserved treatment. If you are honest with yourself, as ‘visit-body’ as you are, I’m certain that you sometimes love to have a quiet moment alone.

It’s imperative that when you visit, you are also mindful of the things you choose to talk about. Your friends love you but often times when they frown it could be that your line of argument is always to murder others, with the tongue. They may want to talk about personal issues but are being prevented, due to how you ‘flood’ their ears with your neighbors business.  As negative as some friends are, they also wish to hear a few positive thoughts at times,  words that may prevent them from doing more undesirable acts. So then, limit your visits to your friends’ place, especially if they are not ill. Come to think of it too, the sick may even need a little time by themselves to pray loudly and talk to God about some things not fit for mortals’ ears.

You are managing fairly well during this social distancing time,  so the pandemic is confirming that you don’t have to be frequent at anyone’s place. After it has passed, or the number of positive cases dwindles down, you should pretend as if it’s still on the rise whenever you think of visiting anyone. However, if and when you stop pretending and decide to visit, speak words that are uplifting. You could talk about the novel things you all could do to make your lives better.

Be encouraged:

Reflect on these words from the Book of Truth: “Don’t visit friends too often, or they will get tired of it and start hating you” (Proverbs 25:17, CEV). Please give your friends enough ‘breathing space’ so that your welcome will not be worn out.


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