Some years ago I had a bitter-sweet moment while going to work in a taxi. It was early morning and on my way, I had a desire to pray and try as I may, I couldn’t say nay. I had to pray. Shortly after I prayed, I saw the driver gazing at another taxi, while he was still driving. He did it for about 8 seconds but by the time he stopped, it took him about 2 seconds to swerve into his correct lane, so as to prevent a head-on collision with an oncoming government bus.
While he was gazing, I saw him going over the bus lane but my lips were sealed at the time; God knows why he did it. Maybe if I ‘d called to him (no other passenger did), he would have been too frightened, resulting in a fatal incident. Anyway, I heard him say “Wow!” but he didn’t utter another word for the rest of the journey. In all honesty, I thought the silence was an indication of guilt mixed with fright. As a matter of fact, none of us said anything about it during the rest of the journey.
We continued on our way as if nothing had happened. Usually, when I’m frightened my heart would skip a few beats, but it didn’t that morning. However, my thoughts were on the call I had made to heaven shortly before the incident, wondering if we were saved because of it. I then began to smile as I felt the prayer was what really saved us. Anyway, I was more than thankful that the taxi didn’t collide with the bus. It probably would have been the end of us, the end of my life’s journey.
Today, I’m feeling blessed for ANOTHER CHANCE to inhale and exhale,
Another chance to tell of the goodness of my God who never fails,
And another chance to take care of my kids so that dem doh look like heng pah nail.